Application Forms
Form 1: Dismissal for Cause/Discipline/Working Conditions and Terms of Employment Download
Form 1a: Political Activity / Disclosing and Investigating Wrongdoing
Note: Send your completed application along with any documents by email to:
Send Email
Employer's Response Forms
Form 2 - Response: Dismissal for Cause/Discipline/Working Conditions and Terms of Employment
Form 2a - Response: Political Activity / Disclosing and Investigating Wrongdoing
NOTE: Ontario Reg. 378/07 is very important and should be reviewed carefully by anyone who may file or be a party to a complaint before the Board. It describes:
- The required steps and mandatory time lines applicable to each step that you must follow before and when filing a complaint with the Board (see sections 8 and 9);
- What kinds of complaint may be filed with the Board (see sections 2, 3 and 4); and
- Who is eligible to file a complaint with the Board (see sections 5, 6 and 7).
It is recommended that you carefully review the Regulation before filing a complaint with the Board.