This Filing Guide provides general information only and should not be taken as legal advice or a substitute for the PSGB’s Rules of Procedure.
For additional information see the Frequently Asked Questions.
You may obtain copies of all PSGB forms, Q and A’s, and the Rules of Procedure on the PSGB’s website in English and French
The PSGB’s forms are available in a variety of accessible formats. Please contact the PSGB’s Registrar if you require an alternative format or need some other form of accommodation.
As a result of the current health situation and government advice, all Board forms and other submissions, must be filed by email.
The electronic forms are in PDF format. To use the PDF forms most effectively, your computer must meet the following minimum system requirements:
You must download and complete the PSGB forms using ONLY an up-to-date version of Adobe Acrobat reader. For instructions on how to download, see the section titled Save.
Do not complete the forms within your Internet browser as you may encounter some of the following issues:
If the form opens in your internet browser, save it, then close the form that is open in the browser and then reopen your saved form using Adobe software.
Printing a Blank Form
To print a blank form use only the ‘Print Blank Form’ button located at the top right corner of the form or the bottom
The blank form will not print in its entirety if you print from any of the following:
You should download the form directly from the PSGB website each time to ensure that you are using the most current version.
Depending on the internet browser you are using you have several options to save the form.
You should save and/or print the completed form before filing it with the PSGB as the PSGB will not return the form to you.
To save the form from the PSGB website without viewing it: right-click on the hyperlinked form title, select ‘Save Link/Target As ’ and then save the blank form to your computer.
PSGB forms are savable and can be saved at any time.
You can save the blank form after viewing it or a partially completed form or a fully completed form by using one of the following 3 methods:
When completing a form on your computer, you may clear the data entered in the form by clicking on the ‘Reset Form’ button located at the top right corner or bottom of each form removing all previously input data.
Should you need to attach further information note it on the application form in the fields provided.
You may need to attach additional sheets of paper to answer certain questions if you have not had enough space to answer them in the form. Remember to include the question number your answer relates to at the top of each document.
If you are experiencing technical difficulties, it could be the result of one of the following:
The PSGB requires full contact information for all parties and affected parties and any Representatives/contact persons in a proceeding.
It is strongly suggested that you include your personal email, phone contact and home mailing address in order to enable the Board to contact you without delay.
If your contact information changes, you must provide the PSGB and the other parties with updated contact information, including email, as soon as possible. If you fail to do so, correspondence sent your last known address (including email) may be deemed to be reasonable notice to you and the case may proceed in your absence.
If there are multiple applicants, responding parties, affected parties or additional representatives/contact persons, you are required to provide complete contact information for each party.
You may attach a separate sheet of paper with the contact information for all additional parties.
You may choose to be represented by a lawyer or paralegal, or be contacted by the PSGB though a contact person.
By providing the contact information for a legal representative or contact person, you are giving consenting to the PSGB and the other parties to send documents to that individual and to correspond with that individual about the file.
You should save or print a copy of your completed form at this stage, as the PSGB will not send you a copy of what you have filed.
Your completed Form and any additional documents are to be email to Send Email
It is suggested that when you send your application by email to the Board you engage the read/delivery receipt option.
Once your application has been received you will receive an acknowledgement letter from Board staff within 2 weeks of filing. Should you not receive an acknowledgment, contact the Board.
Personal information is collected on the PSGB forms under the authority of the PSGB’s governing legislation to assist in the processing of cases before it. Information received in written or oral submissions may be used and disclosed for the proper administration of the PSGB’s legislation and processes. Any relevant information that you provide to the PSGB must in the normal course be provided to the other parties in the proceeding. The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act may also address the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. If you have any questions, contact the Registrar of the PSGB at 416-326-1382 or toll-free at 1-866-421-6667 or in writing to the Public Service Grievance Board, Suite 600, 180 Dundas Street West, Toronto ON M5G 1Z8.